In English
Finnish championships is held in Kontiolahti 22.-23.8.2015. Championships is also an open event for foreing competitors. Foreig competitors can't achieve Finnish championship medals but instead they can compete in the finals.
23.1.2015: Bulletin 1 is published.
26.5.2015: Maps and courses are ready. Look some new map samples below.
27.5.2015: Bulletin 2 is published.
Bulletin 2 (updated 27.5.2015)
Club: Selkien Sisu ry
Event director: Matti Ikonen
Course setting&maps: Lauri Kontkanen
Event adviser: Antti Rusanen, Keravan Urheilijat
Results & IT: Heikki Alakopsa, Mika Autio
Contact person: Lauri Kontkanen
Saturday 22 August | 14:00 | Tempo qualification, First start | Alavi, Joensuu |
18:00 | Tempo final, First start | Alavi, Joensuu | |
Sunday 23 August | 09:00 | Preo qualification, First start | Mustavaara, Kontiolahti |
11:30 | Preo final, Mass start. | Mustavaara, Kontiolahti |
Start times can be adjusted for competitors having to catch a flight or a ferry. If you have troubles with time schedule with either arrival or departure, and would like to have an adjusted start time or need help with transport, please write to before 9 August but rather as soon as possible.
Saturday: Alavin kylätalo, Joensuu. Address: Tervasuontie 65, Joensuu. Google map:,30.0816115,16z
Sunday: Mustavaara down hill skiing center, Kontiolahti. Address: Selkientie 69, Kontiolahti. Google map:,30.1299579,16z
Tempo qualification: 1,4km/ 7 stations. 6 tasks on each station.
Tempo final 100m / 1-2 station(s). 6-7 tasks/station.
Preo qualification 600m/35 controls. Maximum time 120min.
Preo final 150m/5 controls. 1 timed control (3 tasks) after the qualification.
Both of the finals are for the best 10-20 competitors. Foreing competitors are allowed to take part to the finals if they are among the best competitors. In preo some of the electronic punching systems can be used. Paths and surfaces are good on both terrains. We offer online results from both finals and finals are spectator friendly.
Tempo competition includes just map reading tasks with very clear zeros. Preo course includes mainly pure map reading tasks but all different kind of techniques can be used also.
Classes and entry fees
Elit class (E).
Finnish competitors: 26€/preo, 24€/tempo.
Foreign competitors: 13€/preo, 12€/tempo.
Finnish competitors: Medals for the best 3, and plaques for the places 4-10 on both competitions.
Foreign competitors: Prizes for the best 1-3.
Paralympic competitors: Award and prize for the best paralympic competitor on both competitions.
Sprint orienteering map with ISSOM symbols. Scale 1:5000 / 2,5m. The same scale is used in all maps. Look map samples below. Mapping Lauri Kontkanen 6-/2013 - 8/2015. Base material: laser data, aerial photos and gps.
Definition of zero controls
On both competitions definitions of zero controls is announced at least a week before the event.
Finnish competitors enter to Finnish championships via IRMA. Foreing competitors via email to Lauri Kontkanen, email Foreing competitors can pay either via bank transfer or on-site. The bank account number is given after entry.
Entry deadline is Sunday 9th August 2015 at 21:00 GMT. Entries that have not been cancelled by 10 April 2015 must be paid even in case of no-show.
There are plenty of different kind of accommodation in Joensuu region. Organizer offer cheap 5€/night accommodation in the Saturday's competition center. Only Saturday-Sunday night is possible in there. In the request we can offer other cheap (home) accommodations in the village of Selkie or nearby competition venues. For bigger groups there are available also Selkie's kindergarden.
Distances from competition center(s): to Joensuu airport 30-35km, to Helsinki-Vantaa airport 450km (5h 15min by car), to Kuopio Airport 147km (1h 50min by car).
The closest railway is at Joensuu which operates within 4-5h hours to Helsinki (or Tikkurila, where you can take a taxi or a bus to Helsinki-Vantaa airport.
"Ridesharing" with Finnish competitors
There are coming some Finnish competitors for example from Helsinki and Tampere areas. We can negotiate a common and relatively cheap cardrive for You. Please take contact as soon as possible to be sure about cardrive.
Course setter's blog
Course setter write his course setting blog during the spring and summer. Read more here.
Old Maps
![]() | SelkieOpenTrailoModelEventRatkaisut_E.pdf (4.3 MB) An old map from the competition area of tempo. |
![]() | SelkieOpenTrailo_ModelEvent_E_27062013.pdf (326 kB) An old map from the competition area of tempo. |
![]() | AlaviPreo_Elit_ratakartta_TULOSTETTAVAVERSIO_LOPPU.pdf (1003 kB) An old map from the competition area of tempo. |
![]() | Mustavaara.png (2.4 MB) Autogenerated orienteering map from preo competition area. Downhill skiing center in the middle of the map, is the competition center. |
Embargoed areas
![]() | SM_Tarkkuussuunnistus_2015_Kieltoalueet.jpg (2.6 MB) Embargoed areas in Finnish championships in trailo 2015. |